Friday, February 8, 2013

Oregon Brewers Festival 2013 Changes

You may have all ready heard the news but in case you haven't some changes are coming to the Oregon Brewers Festival 2013.  The Oregon Brewers festival in it's 26th year will now expand to 5 days and start to use a taster glass.  The glass taster's will be a nice change from the plastic mugs and seems to be the new trend in most brewfest's in the last couple of years.  Yeah its better for the beer and also better for the environment....but watch out for broken glass and yeah I think my kids will be bummed when I don't come home with the plastic mugs that they end up using so much.  And I wonder when the OBF will just change the festival to the entire last week of July? They added Thursday when it got to busy and now Wednesday.......only a matter of time.  Here is the News release that I found on the Oregon Brewers Guild.  See you Wednesday, July 24th.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wow, its been a while since I posted....just out drinking beer. So been busy visiting a few breweries and picking up various winter beers and other interesting beers when I see them. Also realized while writing this that I need to take better pictures in the future, I seem to always get a great picture's of the tasters but none of the building, interior, for future post's I hope to do a little better in that regard. Will work on posting this week.

Nitro Jubelale at A Beer At A Time